

Psychosexual Therapy

Relationship & Couples Therapy

Counseling for Sexual Issues – Sex Therapy. If you are experiencing problems or difficulties in your sexual relationship, our psychosexual therapists can help you resolve them with talk therapy like CBT, DBT etc. A sex therapist helps people with sexual problems. Sex therapists are qualified counselors.


We work with a range of Challenges to promote well-being and clarity. Discrete. Completely Natural. No Pills Needed.


” Please note that, at present, all work is taking place online. Research shows that online work is as effective as face-to-face therapy.” Marriage Counselling by iNtegra Counselling . For Self Awareness by MindfulKriya

Enhance intimacy

Feeling Loving & LovedSexless Marriage

Cultivating Stable Intimacy


When pregnancy is the issue. Challenges faced by couples & getting emotionally physically ready for natural pregnancy

Sex Starved Marriage
Cultivating Stable Intimacy

So many people are just petrified of breakups [and] they choose to stay even when they’re not happy
If anything is keeping you from having the love or sex life you always wanted then you must meet a counselor.

Note: There are no exams, no nudity, and certainly no sexual touching. Sex therapy is a branch of traditional psychotherapy and is only “talk therapy.”

We’d Love to Help

Psychosexual therapy can assist with many problems including…

Psychotherapy can help to recover from Lack of Sexual Intimacy if individual reasons are:

  • Stress
  • Unresolved conflicts
  • Lack of emotional intimacy
  • Anxiety or Depression
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Rejection by the partner in past
  • Infidelity

Libido issues

Physical issues that can cause low libido include low testosterone, prescription medicines, too little or too much exercise, and alcohol and drug use. Psychological issues can include depression, stress, and problems in your relationship.

There is a close link between sexual desire and physical arousal.

With premature ejaculation, you might feel you lose some closeness shared with a sexual partner. You might feel angry, ashamed and upset, and turn away from your partner.

The opposite of premature or rapid ejaculation is delayed ejaculation. This can be as, if not more, frustrating than its opposite. Delayed ejaculation is the inability of a man to achieve climax within a reasonable amount of time.

Lack of sexual interest. Factors that lead to isolation—and how to reroute them toward intimacy. Low libido is a decrease in sex drive that can lead to decreased sexual activity.

Performance anxiety and premature ejaculation

Performance anxiety and premature ejaculation. Common causes of performance anxiety include self-esteem, body image, and insecurity about a sexual experience. Performance anxiety can cause premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or an avoidance of sex altogether.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction. When erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological triggers, it is referred to as psychological impotence.

Lack of pleasure in sex or life

Lack of pleasure in sex or life. Factors that lead to isolation—and how to reroute them toward intimacy.

Inability to identify or communicate sexual needs

Inability to identify or communicate sexual needs. It’s important to distinguish HSDD from asexuality. Asexuality is a type of sexual orientation defined as a general lack of sexual attraction, while HSDD is a condition focused on a lack of sexual desire.

No orgasms with self and/or partner/s

No orgasms with self and/or partner/s. When sex is not enjoyable, it can become a chore instead of a satisfying, intimate experience for both partners.


Shame and guilt about fantasies or experiences.


Bereavement and loss of intimacy.


Sex and intimacy issues following life events (e.g. childbirth, illness, menopause, aging, etc.)


Sexual fears due to previous abuse.


Pain during sex.


Lack of desire / Lack of interest in sex or arousal.


Problems attaining orgasm / Inability to reach orgasm (come);


Insufficient Foreplay.


Fear of Unplanned Pregnancy.


Penetration Phobia.


Lack of Emotional Intimacy.

Psychological impotence

Services Provided


Individual Therapy

Self iNtrospection


Anxiety, Stress, and Depression

Body image and self-love


Inability to relax or switch off


Fear of intimacy

Family Therapy

Relationship Therapy


Relationship Therapy


Relationship Therapy


Anger due to family


Making peace with family


Couples Therapy

Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships

Unrealistic Expectations


Mindful Communication

Non Consummated marriage

Psychosexual therapy

Boost intimacy

Our Approach & Philosophy


Discrete. Completely Natural. No Pills Needed. Our therapists are experienced in working with many sexual issues. If you are experiencing problems or difficulties in your sexual relationship, our psychosexual therapists can help you resolve them with talk therapy like CBT, DBT etc. A sex therapist helps people with sexual problems. Sex therapists are qualified counselors, Please note that, at present, all work is taking place online. Research shows that online work is as effective as face-to-face therapy.


Therapies we use

  • Person-Centred Therapy
    (Sometimes called Humanist or Client-Centred Therapy)
  • Psychodynamic Therapy (Sometimes called Psychoanalytic Therapy)


Passionate Marriage


Men & Women Feelings differently

What If you can understand the root cause of the feelings and communicate your real issues?


Women client thoughts

  • – Why Sex Is So Important To Him
  • – When I wanted him, he was busy, now I don’t want him.
  • – How can he think of me to accept him after what he has done.
  • – If he can do this then where do I stand.
  • – I don’t care what he does outside, I need to stay,


Male client thoughts

  • – How can she live without sex.
  • – Why she is not having sex? Are we about to be separated?
  • – If we are not intimate- where is she getting her needs met.

Every man wants to be found sexually desirable by his wife and to feel accepted/affirmed sexually by her.


Get In Touch







B-7, 1st floor, Sushant Lok phase 1, Gurgaon.

We are present in Mumbai, Bangalore & Goa also.
Marriage Counselling by iNtegra Counselling .

For Self Awareness by MindfulKriya



All sessions are taken on phone only due to Covid 19.